Nuss-Nougat-Creme Coco Latte Macchiato

Rating: 3.85 / 5.00 (46 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)




For the Nut Nougat Cream Coco Latte Macchiato, place two espresso spoons of nut nougat cream in a large nut nougat cream glass.

Heat the milk and mix it with some coconut syrup.

Prepare the flavored milk foam using the frothing nozzle of your coffee machine or the Nespresso milk frother (Aeroccino).

Pour the milk on the nut nougat cream first and then add the foam.

Prepare the Nespresso coffee and pour it carefully into the glass.

You can decorate your glass of Nut Nougat Cream Coco Latte Macchiato by placing some Nut Nougat Cream on the rim of the glass and sprinkling coconut shavings on top.

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