Maultaschen Variations

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Preparation time:




For the dough, heap the flour on a board or put it in a large enough bowl, make a dent in the center. Add the eggs, oil and a pinch of salt and knead into a dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. For the filling, cut the rolls into slices, pour a little bit of hot milk over them and soak (it is best to cover the baking dish with a lid). Remove the skin from the onions and cut them into small pieces, finely dice the bacon. Parsley rinse, shake dry and chop very finely. Rinse spinach, clean, blanch, drain, squeeze well and chop finely.

Sauté onion and bacon in a frying pan with clarified butter until well browned, cool a little. Then add to the soaked bread rolls form.

Add spinach, minced meat, 1 egg and parsley. Season with nutmeg, pepper, salt and marjoram and mix everything together well so that the farce gets a good binding.

Roll out the dough very thinly with a pasta machine or possibly a pasta walker, brush the meat mixture thinly on it, brush the upper edge of the dough with beaten egg and roll up the dough like a roulade. Press the edge well so that it sticks together with the egg. From the roulade, cut small pockets of the desired size and flatten with the flat of your hand so that the filling is well distributed. In lightly boiling salted water cook the Maultaschen in sth.

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