Tyrolean Schlutzkrapfen

Rating: 3.34 / 5.00 (35 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Tyrolean Schlutzkrapfen, make a smooth pasta dough with flour, 3 eggs and the salt and let it rise for 20 minutes wrapped in a tea towel.

In the meantime, blanch the spinach briefly in a saucepan with a little water until the leaves fall together, then drain, squeeze well and chop finely.

Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, add the spinach, season well with salt, pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated) and sauté well over medium heat. Keep stirring to allow the liquid to evaporate without burning the vegetables.

Transfer to a large plate to cool. Melt the remaining butter in a small pan and keep warm. Cut the chives into fine rolls.

Divide the pasta dough into 4 portions, folding 3 of them again into the tea towel. Roll out the remaining piece as thinly as possible, then cut out circles with a round cookie cutter or an 8 cm diameter glass.

Using a teaspoon, spread small portions of spinach evenly over the bottom half, leaving a border of just under 1 cm.

Separate the last egg, mix the egg white with a tablespoon of water, brush the edges of the top halves of the dough with it and close them into pockets, slightly smoothing the edge in the middle.

Then take the dumplings one by one in the left hand, press the edges exactly together with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and place them on a floured tea towel.

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