Broccoli Cream Soup with Various Ingredients

Rating: 3.10 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Mushroom pickle:

Tomatoes/pine nuts:


Divide broccoli into roses – remove all skins from the stem. Large stems remove the peel and cut into slices. Now make the broccoli in boiling hot salted water for 5 to 6 min, cool and squeeze out the moisture. Now whisk in a hand mixer with a little clear soup and olive oil to a fine puree. Pour this puree into a saucepan, add the remaining clear soup. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Reduce the temperature. Add crème fraîche and butter, stir the whole thing through.


1. form stuffing from sausages into balls and roast in olive oil.

2. mushrooms in slices, fried in butter, salted and peppered.

3. pine nuts and tomato pulp. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds, dice and season a little with salt. Roast the pine nuts in a frying pan.

Serve the soup with sausage balls, pine nuts and tomatoes or fried fresh mushrooms. No bread, no toast, but sparkling wine or bubbly.

Tip: Stock up on high-quality spices – it pays off!

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