Tofu Production

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Maybe your new favorite bean dish:

Tofu can be bought in the meantime in all health food stores, natural food stores and in Asian grocery stores in 250 or 300 g packages.

But it’s worth making tofu yourself for once, because fresh tofu tastes particularly good. And if you follow a few important rules and have the necessary equipment, making tofu is quite simple and, apart from that, just as fun.

Of the two baking bowls, 1 is needed to soak the beans, and the other to collect the soy milk.

To squeeze the soy mixture, you need the cotton bag or a large cotton cloth.

Instead of the tofu press box, you can also use another container, such as a potato press. The only important thing is that the container has enough holes so that the whey can drain off during pressing.

Also, to make tofu, you will need dried yellow soybeans and a coagulant. To coagulate the soy milk, you can use different agents: Calcium sulfate, an exceptionally purified mineral (known in the coarse give as building gypsum), calcium chloride, and nigari, which is obtained from sea salt or sea water.

Vinegar or lemon juice is also suitable. You can buy the coagulants calsium chloride and calcium sulfate in health food stores, nigari in health food stores. Tofu prepared with the coagulants calsium chloride, nigari or calcium sulfate can be purchased in health food stores.

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