Stuffed Turkey Breast with Fresh Vegetables

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the filling:

on a little, chop. Mix curd, egg yolk and mustard (1) until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Fold in paprika and chervil.

Rinse meat, dry. Cut a pocket in the meat and fill with the curd mixture. Tie with skewers, wrap with spaghetti. Place on the grease pan of the oven, baste with hot clarified butter. Roast in hot oven for about 1 hour.

Peel onions and cut into wedges. Add after half an hour. gradually pour wine and water (3).

Clean remaining peppers, rinse and cut into wedges. Remove peel from carrots, perhaps leaving a little bit of green, and rinse. Remove peas from pod. Cook the carrots in a little boiling salted water with the lid on for about 15 minutes, the peas for about 10 minutes and the peppers for about 8 minutes.

Remove roast and keep warm. Sieve roast stock. Bring to a boil with whipping cream and thicken with sauce thickener. Season with salt, pepper and the rest of the mustard (2). Drain vegetables, add fat and toss. Arrange everything and garnish with herbs.

Serve with boiled potatoes

Electric stove: degree: 200

Gas stove: Level: 3

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for a particularly good aroma!

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