Pumpkin Goulash with Paprika Vegetables

Rating: 4.11 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


As garnish:


Peel the onions, remove the inner core and cut into medium-sized lozenges. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and also cut into medium-sized diamonds. Cut the peppers into six parts, remove the seeds and cut into diamonds. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into slices. Pluck four bouquets of basil, cut the remaining part into coarse pieces. Cut cherry tomatoes in half.

Sauté chili peppers, onions, peppers and garlic in grapeseed oil. Now add the pumpkin pieces and cook for about four to six minutes over medium heat. One minute before the vegetables are cooked, add the halved cherry tomatoes. Season everything with a little vinegar, white balsamic vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper. Finally, add the chopped basil, black olives and olive oil.

Tip: The dish can also be served with slices of roasted chorizo.

Divide pumpkin goulash evenly on plates. Portion the fresh goat cheese into dumplings with a spoon and place on top. Garnish with the basil bouquets.

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