Pigeon Dough Pockets with Pistachios, Almond Kernels and Shallot Confit

Rating: 1.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



In Turkey, there is hardly a dish without pistachios. They can be found, for example, in the popular, very sweet lukum.

In Istanbul, pistachios are mainly bought in bulk in spice stores and eaten both fresh and roasted. The “green almond,” as this nut fruit is sometimes called, is also popular for savory dishes. Chef Philippe Legendre conjures up dumplings for “Chic” with a filling of almond kernels, pistachios, onions and braised squab.

Separate the thighs and breast fillets from the pigeon. Soften the breast fillets.

Roast the pigeon thighs briefly in olive oil so that the meat remains juicy.

Sauté the softened, shredded breast meat with the shallot confit, chopped almond kernels, some of the pistachios and the pistachio cream. Drizzle with pistachio oil and lime juice.

Cool the mixture in the refrigerator and shape into triangles.

Make the pastry sheets malleable with oil or water, respectively, and roll the triangles in them.

Roast the dumplings carefully in olive oil until they have a golden brown color.

Add the lemon peel and a little bit of lime juice to the gravy of the pigeon legs.

Arrange the dumplings and the roasted pigeon legs on plates and garnish with the rest of the chopped pistachios, the gravy and a tiny bit of pistachio oil.

The Top Address:

This is where Philippe Legendre cooks:

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