Oma Ravens Pinto-Bohnenkuchen

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Mix all ingredients properly except for the nuts. Spread on an unbaked cake base or homemade shortcrust pastry.

Top with the nut halves. Bake at medium heat (180° Celsius). Test with chopsticks! This is a dessert that will most likely go down neatly.

No matter how you prepare the beans – except for this tart – you should always offer fresh cornbread or possibly hominy muffins for it. Never have that mushy white bread from the supermarket shelf with your delicate beans.

Beans appreciate also having fresh tomatoes and chopped onions within reach. Dill vinegar greens also make neat additions.

Our tip: never cook beans covered, then they will be easier to digest.

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