Nut Gnocchi From Chicken with Grantenschleck

Rating: 3.81 / 5.00 (21 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the grantenschleck:


Salt the chicken giblets. Dilute honey with a little water and brush the chicken fingers with it. Dredge the chicken dumplings first in flour, then in egg and finally in the breadcrumb and nut mixture and press the breadcrumbs down with a fork. Heat clarified butter and vegetable fat and fry the chicken gnocchi until they are golden brown and no longer ooze red juice when pierced with a fork. In the meantime, prepare the Grantenschleck by first whipping the whipped cream until frothy and then carefully folding in the cranberry compote until you have a uniform red mass from which you can prick small dumplings. Drain the chicken gnocchi well and serve each with 2 Grantenschleck gnocchi.

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