Natural Cutlet with Vegetable Noodles

Rating: 3.84 / 5.00 (198 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the vegetable noodles:


For the veal escalopes nature, boil plenty of salted water in a pot and cook the tagliatelle in it until al dente. Pound the cutlets thinly between cling film. Salt and coat both sides in flour. Heat the oil in a pan, put the cutlets in and fry quickly on both sides. Lift out and keep warm. Drain the drippings from the pan and melt the butter. Pour in veal jus or beef broth, loosen the drippings and bring to a boil. Strain the sauce through a sieve and return to the pan. Before serving, let the veal escalopes steep in the juices briefly, but do not let them boil any longer.

Meanwhile, for the vegetable noodles, cut the carrot as well as the pea pods into fine strips. Heat some butter in a frying pan or casserole dish and sauté the vegetable strips and peas until everything is cooked al dente. Then add salt.

Remove the al dente cooked tagliatelle from the water, drain briefly and mix with the vegetables.

Arrange the vegetable pasta on warmed plates, place the natural cutlet next to it and pour the juice over it.

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