Nasturtium Potato

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (18 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse nasturtium flowers, toss dry and chop finely.

Stir the curd well with the whipped cream and divide evenly in half in separate bowls for the following processing.

Remove the skin from the onion and chop very finely. Add onion to one of the bowls with curd and season with salt and paprika.

Spread out a hair strainer with a thin linen cloth and pour in the onion curd. Carefully smooth it out to make a flat work surface.

Spread finely chopped nasturtium evenly over the top. Season the second half of the pot with salt and the caraway seeds and spread on the nasturtiums.

Fold linen cloth over the top of the pot and weigh it down with a plate and another weight.

Let the nasturtium curd drain in the refrigerator for one night and the next day carefully turn it out onto a plate.

Briefly toast the brown bread and bring to the table with the curd as an appetizer.

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