Ice Cream Confection on Flambéed Raspberries with Orange Fillets and Vanilla Sauce

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Defrost raspberries in refrigerator for 120 minutes. Whip the cream. Peel orange with zester, remove peel from orange and fillet. Mix potato starch with a little cold water. Cut the pralines in half.

Boil milk with vanilla bean, whip sugar with egg yolks until creamy, mold milk over it, heat over bain-marie, cool, then fold in whipped cream.

Heat frying pan with butter and sugar, caramelize, extinguish with red wine, add raspberries, pour cognac, light, flambé, bind with a tiny bit of potato starch.


Arrange orange fillets all around on flat plate, place large ball of egg liqueur rice in the center, dust with coffee powder, pour on vanilla sauce. Form raspberries on top and arrange all around. Put on ice pralines, sprinkle orange zest on top and garnish with lemon balm.

Our tip: Use your favorite red wine for cooking!

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