Cream butter with powdered sugar and aromatics until fluffy. Soften the chocolate in the steamer at 80 °C (1) for 3 minutes, let cool slightly and stir into the butter mixture alternately with the yolks. Finely grate the gingerbread and mix with the hazelnuts. Beat egg whites, granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and fold loosely into the mixture with the gingerbread-nut mixture. Pour into 4 buttered portion molds sprinkled with brown sugar (or alternatively cappuccino cups) and cook in a steamer at 100 °C (2) for 15 minutes. Turn out and serve with marinated berries. For the marinated berries, mix the frozen berries in a bowl with brown sugar and liqueur and let them steep for about 3 hours. Strain the resulting liquid into a small saucepan and heat. Mix the cornflour with a little cold water and thicken the fruit juice with it. Briefly warm the berries in it and serve with the gingerbread soufflé.
Gingerbread Casserole

Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 (126 Votes)
Total time: 1 hour
Servings: 4.0 (servings)