Boiled Leg of Lamb with Caper Sauce

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)




(*) for about 6-8 servings preheat oven in time to 180 degrees.

Put all ingredients (except potatoes, noodles and sauce ingredients) in a large saucepan and fill with enough water to cover everything. Allow to boil.

Cover the pot, put it in the oven and cook for 2 hours at 180 degrees.

After half an hour open the pot, skim off the foam, close the pot, continue cooking.

After 90 minutes add potatoes and noodles.

For the sauce, melt butter in a small saucepan, dust with flour, add lamb stock while stirring continuously with a whisk. Simmer gently for 5 minutes. Add whipped cream, kitchen herbs and capers, season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Remove leg from cooking pot, cut into slices and bring to table with vegetables, pasta and sauce.

Chutney can be eaten cooled. In addition, the clear soup can be served separately as a soup.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – they are also characterized by a fresh taste!

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