Banana Cream Soup – Jamaica

Rating: 2.22 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



Quantities in the text: based on 4 people.

Island cuisine – colorful world in the Caribbean pot, Beat Wüthrich:

Fast food its own call on Barbados furthermore no chances. The easternmost Caribbean island, so one read a few days ago in the world press, defends itself vehemently and with success against American feeding places – in contrast to the Bermudas, on which almost exclusively so-called international food is offered. The Caribbean: a vast area with hundreds of islands, with dreamlike landscapes and miserable slums, with different forms of government.

Spaniards, later English, Dutch and French were the colonizers of the islands. In addition to the indigenous people, people from African countries were brought in as slaves. In the course of time, Indians, Chinese and Arabs came for this purpose. The result was a truly multiracial society, which of course is reflected in the different cuisines.

On all islands, the rule is: sumptuous breakfast with lots of fruit, meager lunch, followed by a repeated strong dip into the cooking pot in the evening. When limbo, reggae, salsa or calypso erupt in the night, the exotic drinks are lined up in rows on the bars, and no one resists.

From Jamaica comes the recipe for a banana cream soup that is child’s play to prepare (four people): Separate four very ripe bananas from the peel and chop them into slices, add a green peperoncino (chile

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