Tenpura, Seafood and Vegetables Deep Fried in Tenpura Flour

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Tenpura dough:

Ingredients For Frying:



Tenpura was brought to Japan by the Portuguese via Nagasaki, which at that time was the only city in Japan that traded with the West. Today tenpura is one of the most popular Japanese dishes, as well as one of the most famous abroad.

Preparation of ingredients

Giant prawns: remove the head and shell except for the tip. Make small incisions on the curved inner side so that the shrimp does not look so cranky.

Cut vegetables into pieces about 1cm thick. Cut carrots diagonally, so that the diameter of the slices and thus the whole piece is a little larger.

Use whole mushrooms.

Mix: Chop various ingredients into small pieces and mix them together. The leftovers from the slicing can also be used and deep-fried as a mix.

Mix the Tenpura flour with the amount of water indicated on the package to obtain a white cream.

Dip all the ingredients completely in this cream and cover them with it. Leave only the tail of the shrimp free. Simply mix the mixture with the crem and when frying, make sure that the quantity stays together and does not fall apart into all its parts.

Fry out in oil at about 180 degrees until burnt yellow. The ingredients must not be wet before frying, because water and hot oil do not understand each other, and when they meet they cause small explosions. This could go into the eye, but also on the skin the hot oil is very unpleasant. So please: be careful

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