Raspberry or Blueberry Jam Cold Stirred

Rating: 3.72 / 5.00 (119 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For about 4 glasses, á 200 ml:


For the cold-stirred raspberry or blueberry jam, marinate berries with sugar and lemon juice and stir slowly for about 30 minutes with a mixer (dough hook) until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Mix agar-agar with cold water, bring to the boil with some berry pulp, allow to cool only slightly and add to the remaining jam.

If desired, the jam can also be strained through a pointed sieve before pouring in (because of the seeds).

In the refrigerator, the jam will keep for about 2 weeks, it should be consumed soon after opening.

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