Mini Almond Cake Base

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Brush the cake springform pan (diameter 18 cm) with fat and set aside to cool. Put the vanilla sugar, light butter, sugar and salt in a small wide bowl. Beat with the whisks of the mixer on low speed at the beginning, then on high speed for four minutes until creamy. Add one egg and fold in for about half a minute, then do the same with the second egg. Mix flour and baking powder and sift into the mixture. Add almond kernels and stir everything together. Pour the batter into the prepared springform pan. Smooth out and bake in a heated oven at 175 °C / 150 °C / gas mark 2 for about half an hour on the middle shelf. Cover with aluminum foil if the surface browns too quickly. Remove the cake springform pan from the stove and cool for five min. Carefully loosen cake from the edge with a kitchen knife. Remove the cake ring and turn the cake out onto a cake rack Remove the springform pan base and cool the cake.

If you want to bake a larger cake (cake springform pan with 26 cm ø), simply make double recipe of the base and bake 5 min longer, but the topping is also sufficient for this, so does not need to be doubled. (At most, have a few more fruits ready for garnishing).

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