Kyrgyz Beschbarmak – Kyrgyz Festive Soup

Rating: 2.92 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Noodle dishes are just always delicious!

Beschbarmak consists of boiled meat, noodle dough and a strong beef broth.

Cook freshly slaughtered, still warm meat whole with the same mass of water and a little salt for about 2 1/2 hours at low temperature. Skim a little fat from the beef broth and put it in a separate container.

After boiling the beef broth, remove the boiled horse intestines, the liver and the rest of the meat from the clear broth, mince them separately, roast them in the mutton fat and in the fat skimmed off from the clear broth for 10 to 15 minutes.

While the meat is cooking, make the pasta: Knead a stiff dough, roll out 2 mm thin and cut out large squares of 6 x 6 cm, or larger and make them in the beef broth, adding 1/2 onion and 1 parsley root.

Divide the pasta dough evenly into deep plates, pour hot broth over it, sprinkle with pepper, parsley and bear’s garlic and put on it the sheer meat cut into small pieces and the bones with meat.

Cook a sauce, chyk. Add beef broth, a little bit of sour whipped cream and the sauce made during roasting of liver and intestines and pour it over the noodle mass, or let Quargel Kurt melt in beef broth (see recipe for “Susduk”).

Pour the beef soup in which the meat was stewed together with the clear soup in which the noodle dough was cooked, v

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