Joglländer Apple Pie

Rating: 3.80 / 5.00 (123 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the topping:

For gratinating:


For the Joglländer apple pie, first knead a smooth dough from flour, butter, sugar and yolks, wrap it in aluminum foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for about 1/2 hour. In the meantime, cook the peeled, cored and sliced apples with the given ingredients (and a little water if necessary) to a creamy puree. Remove the cloves and cinnamon. Preheat the oven to 220 °C. Roll out the dough on a baking tray and pre-bake for about 5 minutes until light blond. Spread the hot mixture evenly on the dough. Beat the sugar and egg whites to a snowy consistency, cover the cake with it and bake in the oven until the egg whites have turned golden brown.

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