Herb or Spinach Poofs

Rating: 4.22 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Cut the toast in half again crosswise into 2 thin slices using a bread cutter. Cut (mix) the well cooled chicken with egg yolk and cold cream in a food processor and season with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg. Stir in finely chopped herbs or spinach. Spread one slice of toast with the mixture to a thickness of about 2 mm, place the next slice of toast on top, press down and again spread with farce. Continue in this manner until each of the two finished poofs consists of 4 thin slices of toast. (Do not spread last layer.) Heat enough oil in a deep skillet. Pass poofesen through beaten eggs and fry until golden brown. Place on paper towel and cook in hot oven at 180 °C for another 8 minutes. Allow to cool briefly and then cut into small cubes. Serve in hot soup.

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