First the recipe: you gut the eel from your fishmonger, skin it carefully and cut it into pieces. Put the pieces of eel on skewers with bay leaves in between. Prepare a mixture of vinegar, oil and the herb mixture and pour it into a container in which you dip the rosemary sprig.
Roast the skewers at a little distance from the embers and sprinkle them frequently with the above mixture using the rosemary sprig. Keep a close eye on the cooking so that the eel does not fall apart.
When the eel is cooked, spread the pieces evenly in a deep dish and pour the juice of the oranges, lemons and pomegranate over it, sprinkle with ground ginger and cardamom. Keep warm and bring to the table lukewarm.
The story could end here, but Sermini got going. The sated priests go into ecstatic states and intones the Te Deum. Startled by the screams and chanting, Vincent and his family rush over. To justify the excessive chanting, Ser Meoccio invents the apparition of St. Vincent, who had thanked him effusively for a feast from which he had not taken a bite. The priest spreads miracle effects with a fragrance of sanctity, sprinkling rose water over the pious family.
We are in the 15th century and the displeasure against a corrupt church is rising. Lodovico Salerni, a townsman, smarter than the peasants, unmasks the bad priest: Sermini is always unmerciful