Bread on a Stick According to Hannes Weber, Sausages in a Robe

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the basic dough:


Cold water from the refrigerator with all ingredients in the dough bowl of the food processor form and knead about 10 min. leisurely and towards the end about 3 to 4 min. more quickly. Let the dough rest for about 60 minutes. Divide into small portions suitable for stick bread. Place on a greased baking tray and cover well with cling film. Place on it in the refrigerator for one night.

Shape dough into a finger-thick snake and wrap in a spiral around the stick. Press the ends tightly. Now everyone can hold their own stick bread in the embers for 10 min, not in the flame, until the bread is crispy and has a nice light brown color. Turn it over and over again. Cool slightly and serve directly from the stick.

Tips for dough variations:

Add fresh chopped or dried kitchen herbs. For every 100 g of dough, add about 5 g of herbs, depending on the variety. Fold the pressed garlic into the dough or use it to grate the still hot stick bread directly after baking.

If you remove the stick from the bread, you can also push a sausage through the opening.

Info from the show:

You can also bake small rolls from the dough or roll out pieces of dough with a piece of wood and wrap them around sausages, a nice snack. Prick the sausages a little beforehand so that they do not burst during baking.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – also d

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