Blueberry Tartlet with Ricotta Ice Cream & Kumquat Cranberry Sauce

Rating: 3.38 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 15.0 (servings)

Blueberry tartlet:

Ricotta ice cream:

Cranberry cumquat sauce:


Blueberry shortcake: Make a shortbread using sugar, butter, flour and water, ie.

h. Knead quickly and briefly, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. Next, roll out, cut out circles and press the pastry sheets into a buttered muffin tin. Prick a few times with a fork. Bake in the oven at 200 °C for 10-15 min. Cool and add the blueberries.

Ricotta ice cream (ingredients for 15 people): Strain the ricotta through a sieve. Beat egg yolks and powdered sugar until very creamy, add rum, amaretto, ricotta and lime zest. Stir in the whipped cream and freeze in individual ramekins or a rack of venison in the freezer.

Cranberry kumquat sauce: bubble up the cranberries and raspberries with the sugar, cool. Cut kumquats into narrow slices and cook in lute sugar for 3 min. Soak gelatin in cold water, warm in a little cassis and let it melt. Strain the cranberries, stir them with the gelatine and the cassis and add the kumquat slices.

Gala menu of the men’s cooking club “Man(n) kocht in Unna”: Amuse gueule: Rosette of scallop on chervil puree with lime foam Entrée: Wild boar terrine with Cumberland sauce, salad bouquet and brioche soup: Clear poultry broth with truffle dumplings Intermediate course: turbot with pine crust, cherry tomatoes, black tie pasta and saffron sauce Sorbet: strawberry sorbet in a hippie basket Main course: stuffed veal tenderloin with spring g

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