Kiwi Tart with Cider

Rating: 4.38 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 12.0 (Portionen)


For the meringue:


A simple but delicious cake recipe:

1. defrost puff pastry, preheat electric oven to 200 °C.

2. 3 sheets of pastry, roll out thinly, cut out a circle (28cm). Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, prick a few times with a fork. Bake each cake for approx. 10 minutes (gas: level 3).

3. melt the nougat in a water bath. Immediately spread on 2 puff pastry bases, place one on top of the other and cover with the third base.

Soak the gelatine. Beat the yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl in a bain-marie. 5.

Heat the cider and let the gelatine melt in it. Liquid slightly cooled under the egg cream form, add liqueur. 6.

Remove peel from five kiwis per cake, mash at low speed, lightly roll with orange juice for 4 min, cool. Add to egg cream mold, set aside to cool.

7. whip whipped cream, fold into the cream form. Line a dome-shaped baking dish (16cm ice cream bomb container) with plastic wrap. Pour the cream into it and put it in the freezer for one hour.

8. heat the electric oven to 250 °C.

9. invert the solid cream onto the puff pastry bases. To do this, lift the puff pastry bases, which are held together by the nougat mixture, onto the baking dish with a cake plate. Then turn everything out together and remove the foil from the Krem. For the meringue, whip the egg whites with the salt and a tablespoon of sugar until stiff, add the remaining sugar and continue to whip until the whites are firm.

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