Zucchini Cordonbleu with Basil

Rating: 3.26 / 5.00 (38 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 5.0 (servings)



For the zucchini cordon bleu with basil, wash the zucchini and cut into slices about 5 mm thick. For the zucchini cordon bleu, cut the slices of gouda into rounds. Do the same with the ham or use round slices of sausage.

Season a slice of zucchini first, then add Gouda and ham (or sausage), and top with a few basil leaves if desired. Finally, place another seasoned slice of zucchini on top.

Next turn in flour, then in a mixture of egg and a dash of milk and coat with breadcrumbs.

Do this with all the zucchini and then “deep fry” all the cordonbleus in a pan with oil.

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