Standard Rec: Fish Broth, Fish Fumet

Rating: 1.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For 1 1/4 L fish broth:


Fish stock, fish fumet: for poaching fish pieces and fish fillets, for preparing sauces, soups and aspics. Fumet is the technical term for a strong, boiled down, concentrated meat juice. Prepared from cuttings and bones of sole, it tastes particularly good. Leftover fish stock can be frozen, even in ice cube trays, to have small quantities on hand.

Lightly sauté celery and root vegetables with mushroom trimmings in hot butter without letting them color. Add fish heads, fish trimmings and bones and saute briefly. Fill up with white wine and water, season with salt, add bay leaf spice, thyme and parsley. Allow to boil, skim off the foam. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain the gravy. Strain the solids to taste. If the clear soup is to be used to make aspic or possibly a light sauce, do not strain the solids as this will make the clear soup cloudy.

You will get an exceptionally strong and aromatic clear soup if you boil down the gravy to two-thirds or half after straining it over a strong fire and with the saucepan open.

Our tip: Use young, tender carrots!

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