Hollandaise Sauce – Basic Recipe with Variations

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


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Reduce the ingredients for the reduction in a very small saucepan to a third, add 1 tbsp. water and strain through a tea strainer into a stainless steel bowl with the egg yolks.

Put on the water bath form and whip into a light sabayon. Turn off the temperature of the water bath or possibly turn the water bath off the electric plate. See notes below under “Important notes for beginners”.

The basic principle, however, remains the same, to emulsify butter into a sauce by means of lecithin in the egg yolks. The egg yolks must be hot enough but not too hot, otherwise there will be egg yolks. The tape is very thin between the two, little nig goodwill for over- or possibly under-stepping.

Some people whip before adding a little cornstarch (Maizena/Maizena) to the sabayon before whipping. This does work, the yolks are a little protected and don’t turn into scrambled eggs as easily, Imho you can taste the Maizena (cornstarch) though.

Trying and tasting is better than studying. If the sauce curdles, stop stirring on the spot and add 1 tbsp very hot water to the surface form, then stir in small circles on the surface until it emulsifies another time. If that doesn’t help, start over with a new egg yolk and mix in the curdled sauce leisurely, detailed as you would the butter.

You can change the hollandaise just as quickly into small sauces, it is a mother sauce after all.

A little blood orange juice and zest, sauce Ma

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