Ombrina Ripiena Nella Verza, Stuffed Shadow Fish in Savoy Cabbage Coat

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)

Preparation time:



Scale the fish, clean it, rinse it, season it with salt, season it with pepper and rub it on both sides with half a lemon. Place a raw cabbage leaf in the abdominal cavity, stuff the fish with a finely chopped mixture of bacon, thyme and dill and cover with the remaining bacon slices. Peel the cabbage leaves and blanch them in salted boiling water with a dash of oil.

Drain, lay the leaves out on a clean dish rack and cool. Flatten the thick ribs. Wrap the fish with the leaves and tie them together, put them on a tray lined with parchment paper, pour oil over them and cook them for about an hour at 190 °C in the stove. In the meantime, peel and dice the potatoes and blanch them in boiling water with a little vinegar.

Drain and fry the cubes at high temperature in a frying pan with pepper, sage, salt and the orange peel in the oil. When the fish has been in the stove for about 40 minutes, add the potatoes, finish cooking and bring to the table together.

Our tip: use a bacon with a strong flavor – this way you will give this dish a special touch!

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