Venison Loin in Pepper with Apple Galette and Barberries

Rating: 3.89 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Apple galette:


Roll the venison loin in ground pepper, season with salt, sear in butter on all sides and roast in the heated oven at 150 degrees for about 15 minutes. Then rest briefly.

Melt butter in the drippings, sauté barberries and juniper berries in it. Deglaze with red wine and reduce the sauce a little. Finally, add the rosehip jam and strain the sauce through a sieve.

Soak the finely diced white bread in the cream and squeeze it repeatedly on the spot. Remove the peel from the apple, cut it into small cubes and marinate it on the spot with the juice of one lemon, lute sugar and calvados for about 1/2 hour.

Wrap the curd in a dish and squeeze firmly, then strain through a hair sieve and stir with the yolks. Empty the apple pieces into a sieve, mix with the quark and the white bread, season with salt and a pinch of nutmeg, form small galettes and roast them in clarified butter.

Cut the venison loin into tranches, arrange the apple galettes and the game sauce with barberries on the plate and bring to the table on the spot.

Our tip: Use high-quality red wine for a particularly fine taste!

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