Venetian Liver Sauce

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Pasta dishes are always a good idea!

Skin the calf’s liver, remove veins and tendons – if they have a nice top of the liver, it’s easy and you hardly have any waste. With other batches it can form more difficulties, The need then possibly a whole half kilo of liver.

Cut the liver into thin, about 1/2 cm wide and high, oblong strips. Turn in flour to the other side, shake off excess flour. Melt 20 g of butter in a coated frying pan and quickly dry-fry the liver strips in it at a good temperature, turning constantly. As soon as the strips are no longer red, but gray-brown, remove them and place them in a soup plate that has been rinsed with hot water and dried. Season with salt and pepper, keep warm with the lid closed.

Meanwhile, pluck the parsley leaves and remove the peel from the onions, halve them and cut them into half rings, not too narrow. Melt the remaining butter in the frying pan and fry the onions in it until translucent, but they should remain crunchy. Add the parsley and fall together. Extinguish with white wine and cook it a little bit. Pour the whipped cream on top and cook it a little bit as well. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Add the liver strips together with the drained juice, heat and cover with the sauce – do not do it, otherwise the liver will be hard! On top of the al dente

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