Veal Stew

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the veal stew, cut the meat into bite-sized pieces. Place the meat cubes in a sieve and pour boiling hot water over them.

Drain, rub a little dry with a paper towel or dishcloth, if necessary, and sear on all sides in hot butter fat. When the meat starts to take color, season with salt and pepper. Let the meat brown on medium temperature. After about 15 minutes, add half of the beef broth, as well as the parsley and the onion peppered with bay spice and cloves. Cut the lemon into thick slices and add them to the meat as well. Cook the meat at a low temperature until it is tender.

Prepare a roux with butter and flour and deglaze with the remaining beef broth. Add the wine and simmer for another 15 minutes. Stir in the whipped cream and season with salt and pepper.

Remove the parsley, onion and lemon slices and add the meat to the sauce for about 10 minutes. Do not let it boil any longer! Before serving, bind the veal stew with egg yolk.

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