Rabbit Stroganoff

Rating: 2.14 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preheat the oven to 80 °C and heat a plate.

Separate the peel from the potatoes and cut them into small strips. Rinse them briefly under cold tap water, then dry them very neatly on a clean dish. Heat 2/3 of the butter in a coated frying pan and fry the potato strips until crisp.

In a second pan, heat the remaining butter. Season the meat cubes with pepper and salt and brown them briefly but vigorously in three or four portions (about 1 1/2 minutes). Immediately place in plate and let chziehen at 80 degrees Celsius for 1500 cmin.

In the drippings, saute the onions until translucent. Add the cucumbers and peppers and steam for two to three minutes, turning frequently. Sprinkle the paprika on top and steam briefly. Extinguish with the white wine as well as the vodka and let it brew properly to half the quantity. Mix the sour cream, add it and let it cook on the stove until the sauce thickens slightly. Add the meat one more time, season if needed and just let it get properly hot.

Offer the stroganoff in a preheated platter and sprinkle with the potato strips. Put it on the table immediately.

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