Pumpkin Strudel with Herb Sauce

Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Strudel dough:


Herb sauce:


Strudel dough: Mix flour and salt in a baking bowl. Stir through egg, oil, vinegar and water, add. Combine with a ladle to form a soft dough. Next, continue kneading on the table with as little flour as possible until the dough is no longer sticky, smooth and pliable. Form a ball, cover with a hot rinsed baking bowl, rest at room temperature in about 30 min. Do not put to cool.

Filling: Steam onions in warm butter or possibly light butter. Steam pumpkin briefly, cool. Mix in cottage cheese and lemon thyme, season.

Roll out/shape: Roll out dough on enough flour as thinly as possible into a rectangle, place on a floured kitchen towel. With floured hands, pull out dough from center, exactly section by section, until translucent all over. Brush with light butter or butter, if desired. Sprinkle Sbrinz on bottom half of dough, leaving a border about 3 inches wide all around. Spread filling evenly on bottom half. Tuck in side edges. Lift dish hangl, roll up strudel loosely. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper with the closure facing down. Brush with liquid light butter or possibly butter, bake on the spot.

Bake: Approx. 40 min. in the center of the oven heated to 200 °C. Brush several times with the remaining light butter or butter.

Herb sauce: Sauté the onions and garlic in the warm butter. Deglaze with the wine

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