Pasta Bake

Rating: 3.31 / 5.00 (32 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


For the pour over:


For the noodle casserole, cook the noodles until al dente. Coarsely dice vegetables, finely chop onion and ginger and sauté in olive oil with a little butter.

Add vegetables, roast, pour mineral water, steam until not too soft. Mix the pasta with the vegetables and the diced mozzarella.

Pour into a buttered baking dish. For the topping, whisk all the ingredients together and empty into the baking dish. Cover the dish with foil, bake at 180 °C preheated oven for about 45 minutes.

Remove the foil, sprinkle with Parmesan, bake again in the oven with grill function.

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