Lon of Half Dried Salmon – Lon Pla Salmon Thaet Thiaw

Rating: 3.93 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



I N F O Salmon is not a Thai fish, but its use in this recipe is exemplary. Fermented long-grain rice is used quite often in Thai cooking to enrich a dish with its velvety sweetness and to balance fat.

P a g e Grill fish for 2 min. on each side at very high temperature or roast in a little oil. Rest for 10 min. Heat coconut cream and milk together. Add fermented long grain rice and simmer on low heat for 1 minute. Season with palm sugar, tamarind water and fish sauce: it should be creamy, sweet and sour, but not too pronounced. Add fish in small pieces and lemongrass and simmer for about 1 minute more.

Remove from heat and garnish with remaining ingredients. Add roe at the end if you like – it must not make, otherwise it will be tough and tasteless. To taste: it should taste salty, sweet and sour.

As additions:

– raw vegetables like fennel, cucumber, chicory, sorrel, young spinach, banana flowers and banana chilies – stems of Thai basil

– steamed crayfish tails

Tip: Did you know that one bowl of spinach already covers the entire daily requirement of vitamin K and beta-carotene?

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