Lamb Pot with Harissa

Rating: 3.14 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Preparation time:


A bean recipe for every taste:

1. pour boiling hot water over bulgur in a baking bowl and let it swell for 30 min. Cut off peeled tomatoes, removing the stalks, reserving the juice. Cut onions into quarters and separate into leaf layers. Chop garlic coarsely.

Saute both in a wide saucepan in 3 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp cumin, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp black cumin and the cardamom until hearty. Fold in harissa, paradeis pulp and honey and steam briefly. Add tomatoes with juice and lamb stock and season with salt. Cook quietly for 15 minutes in an open saucepan over medium heat.

In the meantime, rinse the cooled beans in a sieve and drain. Dice the melanzane about 1 cm. Cut flesh into 2 cm thick pieces. Cut tomatoes into quarters, remove seeds and chop coarsely.

Cut mint and parsley leaves into small pieces and cover them wet.

Season the meat with salt and season with the remaining cumin, cinnamon and black cumin. In a large frying pan, brown all over in 2 tbsp oil over very high heat and remove from frying pan.

In the same frying pan, roast melanzane in remaining oil for 2 min.

Drain bulgur. Add to the stew with melanzane, lamb, beans and raisins form and heat in it for 5 min.

As a final step, fold in the tomatoes, but do not let them bubble up.

Season the stew with salt and freshly ground pepper and sprinkle with the herbs.

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