Broccoli Salad with Ham

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Select the broccoli florets, rinse and drain well and cook in the vegetable soup with the fruit vinegar until al dente, remove and set aside. Halve the peppers, remove the seeds, rinse and finely dice. Also blanch briefly in the clear soup, remove, mix with the corn as well as the broccoli florets. Mix the finely chopped onions with the finely diced ham into the vegetables. Mix some vegetable soup with mustard and whipped cream, season with pepper, salt, juice of one lemon, fruit vinegar and Tabasco. Sweeten with sugar of your choice. Season the vegetables with salt, pepper and the juice of one lemon, arrange, cover with the dressing and bring to the table sprinkled with freshly chopped chives.

Tip: As an alternative to the fresh chives, you can also use the freeze-dried.

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