Apple Strudel

Rating: 3.31 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Strudel dough:



Cut the apples into quarters and remove the core with the peel (Boscop without peel) into small slices, add all the remaining ingredients and mix. Sprinkle the strudel dough with liquid butter and sprinkle thinly with breadcrumbs. Spread the apple mixture evenly on the lower third of the dough and roll up the strudel with a cloth. Turn the strudel sideways and place on a baking tray (parchment paper).

after taking it out, brush it again with liquid butter (this makes it crispy)

Strudel dough:

knead all ingredients in a food processor to a smooth dough divide finished mass in half (make 2 balls out of it) brush cling film with oil – roll up dough balls with it rest in the fridge for one night take dough out of the fridge in time (one hour before) do not knead again!

roll out the dough on a well-floured dish (towards the corners) (also flour the dough before rolling it out on the surface (edges thinner) pull it out over the back of your hand (no clock or possibly rings) hang it on the corners of the table, so the dough can no longer slip away

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