Halloween Bones

For the Halloween bones, shape the bones from a tall, thick sponge cake dough and cover with frosting. You can build the spiders out of licorice. Alternatively, you can make the bones out of meringue mixture: 4 eggs250g sugarPrise of salt Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff. Attention: there should be … Read more

Sea Bass Fillet Steamed On

,divided into 4 portions white wine (dry) dry) 2 tbsp. tbsp. medium hot table mustard Prepare: Cut carrots, celery and leek into fine strips (julienne). Preparation: Sauté the shallot in butter, put the fillet pieces on it, season with salt, pour a little bit of dry white wine, cover with buttered parchment paper and cook … Read more

Pike Perch Fillet on Spreewald Sauce

Scale and gut the pike perch, rinse and dry the inside and outside with kitchen towel. Using a very sharp kitchen knife, separate the tender fillet from the back bone. If this is too cumbersome, buy two fillets from the dealer without the bones and working steps. Cut both fillets diagonally down the middle. Place … Read more

Skubanki Ii

Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and make in lightly salted water. Drain the water and mash the potatoes. Press several depressions in the mashed potatoes and distribute the flour evenly in them. Steam the mashed potatoes with the flour on the edge of the stove with the lid closed or on a very low … Read more

Helgoland Eggnog

Heat everything (do not come to a boil!), whisking until creamy. Before serving, add half a bottle of brandy or rum. (Caution, has it in itself. Use only for the home kitchen stove and not for drivers!)

Asparagus Spears with Chervil-Orange Sauce

An asparagus recipe for gourmets: Remove the peel from the asparagus spears and tie them in bunches. Cook until tender in slightly boiling salted water to which a little sugar and a knob of butter have been added (about 20 to half an hour). Bring the grated peel to a boil with the orange juice … Read more


For the Schäufele, put the Schäufele in a pot and add enough water to cover it. Add the onion spiked with cloves and bay leaf spice, the peppercorns and the crushed juniper berries. Bring the broth to a boil very slowly, but it should only draw bubbles. After about 2 hours the Schäufele is cooked. … Read more

Korean Wonton Soup

For the wonton soup, knead a smooth dough from flour, warm water and a pinch of salt. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside. Now chop garlic into small pieces. Boil glass noodles briefly according to instructions, strain and chop also. Chop the young onion into small pieces. Heat the sesame oil in a … Read more