Quick Pumpkin Spread

For the quick pumpkin spread, chop the olives and pumpkin seeds or mix briefly with a blender. Mix with the cream cheese and season with the remaining ingredients. Serve the quick pumpkin spread.

Stuffed Peppers with Crab Meat

Cut stem side of peppers into small pieces, remove seed cases and inner ribs. Saute garlic, onions and celery in butter 1 until soft. Add crab meat and spices, bring to a boil. Mix in half of the white bread. Fill peppers with mixture and place in a greased ovenproof dish. Spread the remaining bread … Read more

Vegetable Loaf with Cheese

For the vegetable loaf with cheese, first wash and coarsely grate carrots and zucchini. Peel the potatoes and grate them as well. Peel and finely chop the onion. Grate the cheese. Mix all ingredients and form into loaves. Fry the vegetable loafs with cheese in portions in slightly hot oil.

Purple Dumplings

For purple dumplings first boil the potatoes. Then peel and squeeze, knead with other ingredients to the dough and leave 10 min ratsen. Form dumplings with wet hands and boil in salted water for 20 min. Serve the purple dumplings.

Whitefish Lucerne Style

Clean the whitefish. Mix the juice of one lemon and Worcester sauce of your choice and marinate the whitefish in it. Then turn the fish in flour on the other side and fry them in oil in Müllerin style from both sides. Fillet the fish and arrange on a buttered plate. Brown half of the … Read more

Pasta Pockets Filled with Gruyère and Spinach

Knead the pasta dough from olive oil, semolina, flour, egg and salt, wrap in foil and rest for at least half an hour. Sauté the onion in olive oil. Add spinach and fall together. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool a little. Squeeze the spinach well and mix it with the … Read more

Blueberry Layered Dessert

For the blueberry layered dessert, select the most beautiful blueberries and set aside for decoration. Whisk the rest with half of the sugar and the juice of one lemon. Mix yogurt, crème fraîche and remaining sugar until smooth. Mix half of it with half of the fruit puree. Spread all three ingredients evenly in layers … Read more

Pork Pepper

Cut meat into goulash-sized pieces and place in the pickle for 24 hours. Cook the meat in the pickle for one hour until soft. It must remain just below the boiling point and must not bubble, otherwise the meat will shred and become dry. Add the flour mixed with water and continue to steam for … Read more

Panna Cotta

Boil whipped cream with vanilla pod and vanilla pulp, amaretto and honey dissolve soaked gelatin in it fill into glasses