Braised Reed Lid with Pumpkin Seed Schupfnudeln

Rating: 3.61 / 5.00 (18 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the Schupfnudeln:

For the completion:


Salt and pepper the reed lid and coat it with mustard. Fry the meat well on both sides in a little vegetable oil in a hot frying pan and take it out again. Then fry the sliced onions in the same pan until golden brown and place the reed lid on top. Deglaze with a little water and braise covered for at least 1 hour at 160 °C in the preheated oven. In the meantime, boil the potatoes, peel, strain while still hot and let cool. Then mix with the remaining ingredients to form a smooth dough, shape into a roll and form smaller Schupfnudeln from it again. In a large pot, bring salted water to a boil and cook the Schupfnudeln in it for about 3 minutes until lightly boiling and strain. Melt clarified butter in a pan, lightly roast the pumpkin seeds in it and add salt. Then toss the Schupfnudeln in the pan until golden brown. Carve the reed lid and serve with the onion sauce and the Schupfnudeln.

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