Roti Kukus

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



Place the kukusan or other rice steamer with tap water and the upper cooking pot. Place a clean dish (linen or cotton) in the upper pot, so that the corners hang out over the pot. Fold a large piece of parchment paper into the dish, but so that the dough fits into it.

Make sure that the tap water is bubbling. The parchment paper will then become soft and can be folded to perfection.

Make a dough with the flour, sugar, eggs and cow’s milk.

The dough must fall from the spoon with a tough tear. If necessary, add a little more cow’s milk. Put 3/4 of the dough on the parchment paper in the saucepan. Mix the other part with a little bit of cocoa (of your choice) and deposit it in the middle of the dough already in the pot. Put the lid on the saucepan and fold/knot the 4 ends of the cloth over the lid. But be careful not to ignite the crockery! Then the dough must be steamed for 45 min. Make sure that there is enough tap water in the cooking pot! Keep the lid closed.

The reason why the dough must be placed in detail in the middle of the light dough is the following. The dough with the cocoa is a little bit heavier and sinks down while steaming. Next, the bottom is already heated another time by the steam and flows the cocoa dough over the outside another time

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