Roasted Lobster with King Cumin

Rating: 2.57 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For The Cucumber Salad:

For The Lobster:


Peel the cucumbers, cut them in half, remove the seeds and cut diagonally into 2-3 mm thick slices, season lightly with salt, knead and stand for 1 hour. Then squeeze well, saving the cucumber water. Mix the cucumbers with the creme fraiche, season with pepper, balsamic vinegar, sugar and half of the lime juice. Using your fingers or a fork, whip the lettuce until fluffy, gradually adding a little of the cucumber water.

Make the lobsters in boiling hot, hearty salted water for 2 min, remove, separate the claws and joints and make for 2 more min. Cool the tail in salted iced water, also quench the joints and claws. Separate the claws and joints later, carefully pulling out the chitin plaque, and cut the tails in half lengthwise. Crush the royal cumin and mace in a mortar.

Dab the lobster tails with kitchen roll and fry in olive oil on the flesh side. After about one minute, add the butter, basil, cumin and mace and season with salt, remove the tails, peel them except for the last tail end and keep warm.

Temper the claws additionally in this clarified butter. Remove the skin from the blunzen, roughly pick them apart and fry them without fat in a coated frying pan until crispy. Arrange together with the cucumber salad as well as the lobster.


The blunzen is spicy enough and you can use it

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