Ragout a La Bolognese

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Melt butter in a high frying pan and add the root, celery, onion and chopped bacon form. Stir everything and after five minutes add the minced veal. Continue stirring and after another ten minutes add the red wine.

After another ten minutes of light stirring, add the chopped mushrooms soaked in hot water.

Add a little more paradeis pulp and the bay leaves and season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Simmer gently for half an hour, stirring occasionally, and perhaps adding more water if the sauce becomes too thick.

Add a little more cinnamon, let it simmer, take out the bay leaves and pour over the finished spaghetti.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – so you give this dish a special touch!

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