Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup – Tom Yum Goong

Rating: 2.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Peel crab tails and remove shells, leaving tails whole. Heat oil in a large saucepan, add the shells and heads of the crab tails, and sauté over medium heat for 10 min, turning throughout, until shells and heads are deep red. Add water (I) and the curry paste, make 5 min until the liquid has reduced a little. Add the remaining water and simmer on low heat for 20 min. Drain the clear soup and discard the shells and heads.

Pour the clear soup back into the saucepan. Add turmeric, chiles, tamarind concentrate and lime leaves and make 2 min.

Add crab tails to the cooking pot and simmer for 5 min until they turn a pink color. Mix in fish sauce, lime juice and sugar, sprinkle with coriander leaves and bring to table on the spot.

Soak tamarind pulp in hot water (3 tbsp to 125 ml hot water) and mash with fingertips until soft. Drain the dissolved pulp, using the back of a spoon to retain seeds and fibers from the liquid. The liquid should have a thin consistency. Excess liquid can be frozen.

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