Gingerbread Casserole with Punch Sabayon

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


for the Royale:

Punch sabayon:


A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Cut the croissants into small cubes. Chop the candied fruit and mix with the croissants. Season with honey, gingerbread spice, vanilla sugar and a little bit of cinnamon.

For the royal milk, mix eggs and egg yolks and pour two thirds of it over the croissant mixture. Let sit for a few min, then fold in gingerbread crumbs. Butter small ramekins and sprinkle with crumbs. Preheat oven to 200 °C. Pour in the soaked croissant mixture and pour in the remaining third of the Royale. Cook in a bain-marie for about 25 to half an hour. Carefully turn out of the mold and garnish with hull plums.

Punch Sabyon:

All ingredients in an absolutely clean, grease-free metal kettle Form, whisk over steam until frothy.

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