Fried Tench with Chinese Vegetables

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



A bean recipe for every taste:

1. remove hard green leaves and root base from leeks, cut in half lengthwise and rinse thoroughly, then cut diagonally into strips about 2 cm wide. Peel the carrots and cut into narrow strips. Peel the lychees, cut them in half and remove the seeds.

Rinse and drain the soybean sprouts. 2.

Rinse the tench fillets, dab with kitchen roll and drizzle the fish fillets with the juice of one lemon, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Have a wok or coated frying pan ready with 2 tbsp. sunflower oil or other vegetable oil.

3. in a second frying pan heat 2 tbsp. sunflower oil or other vegetable oil, fry the carrots, turning, for 1 1/2 min at a good temperature. On a second cooking surface, heat oil in the first frying pan and, while vegetables are frying, roast fish fillets over medium heat on both sides, each according to thickness, 1 1/2 to 2 min.

4. mix the leeks into the carrots and fry for 1 min more, turning repeatedly to the other side. Fold in lychees and bean sprouts and fry at high temperature for 1/2 minute. Turn down temperature, add in sesame oil, soy sauce and wine vinegar. Season the vegetables with salt, ginger, coriander and the galangal powder. Put on warmed plates, put the fish fillets in between and bring to the table.

Serve with long-grain rice. And a light beer as a drink is

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