Elderberry Syrup

Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 (63 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 80.0 (servings)



For the elderberry syrup, wash the elderberries and remove the stems. Boil elderberries with water in a large pot for about 10 minutes.

Remove pot from heat, add half vanilla pod and cover to cool. Mix syrup sugar well with cold elderberry decoction and refrigerate overnight. Heat bottles to fill at approx. 130 degrees convection.

Stir juice well again (sugar should dissolve), then pass through a large sieve. Remove the vanilla pod, squeeze out the berries collected in the process using a suitable cloth.

Run the berry syrup through a fine sieve again and then boil for about 3 minutes. Pour the hot elderberry syrup into the hot bottles and close them immediately.

Refrigerate the cooled elderberry syrup.

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